What’s New?

I’ve been working a lot lately and haven’t had the time to update the web-site as much. I’ve also been changing my focus — looking to simplify or streamline aspects of my hobbies. For instance, I’ve been changing the web framework around BrickBuildr again, so I have to do less in maintenance, but make it easier to make updates. So far it’s forced me to simplify some of the custom code that I’ve written.
My next plan is to work on allowing everyone to add new parts when they’re discover on the walls, as well as add a new store as they’re opened. LBR has been opening stores a little faster than I’m able to able to update the web-site — which is a good thing. I just want to simplify the process so no one is waiting on me to keep the site up-to-date. In the mean time, I’ve manually added the Lyon, France store; I’ll be working on the Winnipeg, Canada store next…
I’ve updated the LEGO Event Calendar. Linus Bohman at Swooshable.com has provided a user-friendly for LEGO Events world-wide…
Also, on the back-burner, I wanted to integrate the site with other photo web-sites like Imgur or Picasa… That might take longer than a few days to get working…
Now that the web-site is updated, I’m going back to make sure I haven’t broken anything — cleaning up where I can. If I missed something, please let me know. I’m planning to move my blog off of Blogger and import it into here, so look for more updates soon.